This is questionnaire data about participants’ engagements with a fictional artist Alana Olsen, who is the focus of the retrospective exhibition ‘There’s No Place Like Time’ at the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame (USA) in 2018. Participants were approached after they have visited the exhibition and asked to complete a short paper questionnaire – subject to reading a participant information sheet and completing a participant consent form. It was made clear to participants that they could decide if they wanted to take part. The questionnaire itself is structured in two parts. The first part of the questionnaire is adapted from Green and Brock’s (2000) Narrative Transportation Questionnaire. Green and Brock’s questionnaire was designed to account for how readers experience and ‘transport’ into the worlds of literary fiction and features 12 statements or items against which participation rate their experiences using a 7-point likert scale. Since my study is on a smaller scale and since it is about engagement with an exhibition (not a literary text per se), Green and Brock’s questionnaire cannot be reproduced in its entirety. However, Part 1 of the questionnaire in my study asks participants to rate their experience of the exhibition against 4 of statements/items on a 5-point scale. These 4 statements include 1 statement from each subscale (cognitive, affective, imagery) and 1 general statement on concentration. The wording of the statements have been minimally adapted from Green and Brock’s statements in order to fit the exhibition context (e.g. substituting the word ‘narrative’ for ‘exhibition’). This part of the questionnaire was designed to provide quantitative data about participant’s felt sense of engagement with the exhibition, though it was ultimately not used in data analysis due to issues with measurement validity. Part 2 of the questionnaire sought qualitative data using mostly open questions with comment boxes provided for responses. These questions asked about motivation for visiting the exhibition, prior knowledge of Alana Olsen, and probe their assessments of the fictionality of factuality of the exhibition.