Research design This study was a mixed methods feasibility study conducted for the principal investigator’s (PI’s) PhD studies. Only quantitative data is archived to protect the identity of participants. The study used a crossover design investigating the effects of two different pairs of shorts, one designed as an orthotic pair and one a placebo pair. Each pair were evaluated for their immediate objective effect and their acceptability to participants following two weeks’ wear at home. Data are included for the following variables: • GAITRite data for spatiotemporal gait parameters, available: o as Excel sheets downloaded from the GAITRite system for each test and o as a summary sheet of step width, step length, stride time, % of gait in double support, self-selected gait speed and cadence. • IMU data, which is provided as: o Excel sheets of acceleration and angular velocity for each test and o as h5 files, which is the file type produced by the Opal sensor software. The h5 samples were those sent to Matthew Brodie for analysis for Visits’ 3 and 5 only o a summary sheet of the IMU data following analysis by Matthew Brodie. • ABC-UK and MSWS-12 data available as scans of the original paper forms and as a spreadsheet of summary data. • T25FW and dual task cost, data are available for each participant and as a summary sheet, all contained with one Excel file, stored with the Summary Data sheets.