Optical images of fingerprints generated by manual deposition and by the Reed-Stanton press rig are reported. In particular 3 sets of images are collected. Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3. In all cases, pre-inked strips were used to produce visible prints and plain white paper was employed as deposition surfaces. Fingerprint Images were captured as jpeg files on the Visual Spectral Comparator (VSC4CX, Foster & Freeman, Evesham, UK). Images were uploaded to this data collection as jpeg files as they were created in this format. Set 1 is a collection of images of a depletion series of 5 “manually deposited fingerprints” and another of 5 fingerprints generated by the press rig; Set 2 is a collection of 4 fingerprints generated by the press rig at a time interval of 1 week; Set 3 is a collection of 10 “manually deposited replicate fingerprints” and 10 replicate fingerprints generated by the Reed-Stanton press rig. Another set of data collected under the folder name of "Ageing data" contains MALDI MS Imaging raw data of silicon stamped fingermarks imaged after ageing for 0, 1, 4 and 8 days. Data may be opened and processed using the freeware software Biomap.