These data were collected January-March 2016 at Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, as part of the Reading Digital Fiction project study on second-person narration. Sixteen people participated in the study. The significant data collection consisted of an audio-recorded structured reading of a piece of digital fiction along with a series of scales designed as a questionnaire and an associated structured interview. Screenshots from a digital fiction were used to create a structured reading set so that each participant viewed the same lexia in the same order during the study. The screenshots are based on The Princess Murderer (2003), by Deena Larsen and geniwate (available at They were originally shown as a slideshow with sound effects to recreate the reading experience of the live web version. The transcripts are anonymized transcriptions of the structured reading session for each participant. For linguistic analysis purposes, please note that the following participants are not native speakers of English: SHUB0101 Gargi. The scales are scanned copies of Likert scales completed by hand by participants.