This research project used multiple-holistic design for the case study methodology to set up three different case studies that represents formal, informal and non-formal learning contexts. The multiple-case study uses nonprobability sampling procedure that represents a group of sampling techniques that help researchers to select units from population that they are interested in studying. In particular, the first case study adopts purposive sampling technique whilst the second and third case study adopt snowball sampling technique. A total number of 33 students took part in the all of the case studies. They were from all levels of students (undergraduate, Master and PhD) with different background of courses from Sheffield Hallam University. They were identified and recruited based on the following criteria: 1. Studying at Sheffield Hallam University 2. Agree to install MOBIlearn2 prototype on their own Android-based mobile devices OR agree to borrow researcher's Android-based mobile devices to use MOBIlearn2 prototype Data were collected using qualitative survey and semi-structured interview for case study of formal learning context. While in case studies of informal and nonformal learning contexts, data were collected through semi-structured interview, focus group interview and field observation.